You helped me face my fears…

You helped me face my fears…

I finished school! Now I’m a drug and alcohol counselor and also became a certified personal trainer -- this all happened because I took your training. You helped me face my fears when I was ready to walk out the door. You helped heal my inner being heal, which had felt lost for so long. My soul needed nourishment and love and you and the group gave that to me. I am so grateful for taking your teach training for yoga nidra -- it has changed my life! I send you gratitude for being there when I needed you the most. Thank you!
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I finished school! Now I’m a drug and alcohol counselor and also became a certified personal trainer -- this all happened because I took your training. You helped me face my fears when I was ready to walk out the door. You helped heal my inner being heal, which had felt lost for so long. My soul needed nourishment and love and you and the group gave that to me. I am so grateful for taking your teach training for yoga nidra -- it has changed my life! I send you gratitude for being there when I needed you the most. Thank you!

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