
March 19, 2022
Five Element Yoga® includes numerous types of Self-Massage including Swedish, Traditional Chinese Meridians and energy points, acupressure, and Ayurvedic treatments. Enjoy this easy soothing flow to CALM DOWN or to FALL ASLEEP!  Enjoy this as a pdf or on this page. SOOTHING SELF MASSAGE PDF click here
February 19, 2022
Joint health is fundamental for flowing with ease, comfort and grace in the body. The joints tend to lose flexibility due to reduced amounts of lubricating fluids, hormonal shifts, and cartilage thins as we age. Here are some easy tips to incorporate into your life to increase the happiness of your joints! 1. Drink More Water: Possibly THE most important thing to do if you have PAIN or DISCOMFORT in...
The Vagus Nerve is the largest nerve in the body as it wanders through, innervating most of the organs and body systems: think 'superhighway' through your torso. This nerve plays a central role in emotional and physical health and well-being because it carries information and signals throughout the body, and is also the main parasympathetic nerve, meaning it can activate relaxation from deep within. Activating the Vagus Nerve is easy....
Wonderfully slow and thoughtfully done, this video shows the beauty and contrast of the LIGHT and the DARK that our friends in the North experience. Get ready to feel that lovely Scandinavian coziness called ‘hygge’. Somewhat similar to my youth in Canada, but I had it not quite as extreme as the location of this video in northern Sweden. I recall just how magic the night-time light was: holiday lights...