Tips for Managing Stress

"My Inner Smile Awakens the Bliss that has Always Been Here." I love how the pinky fingers are like the uplifted corners of the mouth as in a smile in this mudra! Practicing Hansi helps me to remember that not only feelings of bliss, but also positive qualities are always within me, no matter what else is going on in life, or how I may feel one moment to the...
Animals have a way of making me smile on the inside and the outside! This beagle puppy is so hilarious. Please enjoy!  
May 3, 2016
"I flow with the rhythms of the rivers within." This is one of my all time favorite Mudras! Perhaps because its so simple and yet so powerful at bringing me back into my natural flow. It helps me to sense my navel and breath naturally flowing more deeply and fully there. My breath is a representation of the rhythms of nature inside me and in the Five Elements all around...
"Fully present in my body, I am here now." Murti means body, form, in Sanskrit, and allows the breath to settle into the pelvis to support balance, stability, and comfort within the body and mind. Grounding, rooting and feeling your connection to the Earth helps to support feeling present and embodied. The exhalation will be enhanced leading to greater relaxation and softening within the body. This is a great antidote...