Tips for Managing Stress

November 20, 2021
The Holidays are wonderful! And yet this time of year can be challenging due to: The disruption of regular rhythms of our schedule and life. The tendency to feel more emotions and possibly get triggered by family and friends can cause fatigue, inflammation, insomnia, nervous energy and roller coaster feelings. Holiday blues: deep, rich and varied emotions can arise at this time, especially if there has been loss or grief....
This video is super funny and cute! Laughter is the BEST medicine. Have your fill now:
The essence of autumn is one of dispersion – characterized by its cool, dry, windy, and unpredictable nature. This season can often make us feel chilled, apprehensive, disoriented, and unstable making it difficult to sleep and feel calm amongst other effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine views this time of year as governed by the METAL ELEMENT; and the principles of yoga and Ayurveda recognize the dominance of AIR and ETHER elements...
Generally we spend too much time with our senses and our awareness streaming outward to others, work and the world. But in a split second, we can locate and harvest our Inner Wisest Self by turning our senses and awareness inward. Here are some great practices to help you connect with your INNER WISDOM. Try one, two, or more of these Tips:     BE HERE NOW. Take a moment...