Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that leads you through the Five Kosha layers of being. The Five Koshas are one of the basic models from yoga philosophy that I have found incredibly helpful for understanding both myself...
February 26, 2019
Feel more FREEDOM and UNITY with Bhairava Mudra! When you know you are whole and complete exactly as you are - regardless of personality, perceived imperfections, likes and dislikes, and the influences of the world around you - there is...
February 26, 2019
Sweetest story with a happy ending! Two baby deer are born in someone's backyard and one had a lame leg. They took the deer in to allow her to heal, and successfully released her back to Mommy Deer! Updated videos...
Enjoy this easy to follow meditation with Jennifer. Find greater wholeness by visiting your inner levels of being called the Five Koshas. Originally from the ancient wisdom of yoga in the Upanishads, you can use this simple map of what...