
Quiet Sanctuary: Restorative Five Element Yoga® Workshop


2-Hour Recorded Workshop with Jennifer Reis

Rest is important – not only for your body, but also for your energy, mind and emotions. This is a time to go slower and focus inward, to relax and restore your forces. With every seasonal shift, it’s easy to get out of balance, perhaps feeling exhausted, sluggish, dry, achy or stiff. 

In this workshop with yoga therapist and massage therapist Jennifer Reis, you will learn and experience the healing benefits of our unique practices – Restorative Five Element Yoga® and Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra.


Shift into the parasympathetic restorative relaxation mode, helping you to replenish your energy reserves, feel more flow, and cultivate your inner Quiet Sanctuary.


Feel nurtured as you are guided in Restorative Five Element Yoga® including rhythmic movement, breathing, yoga postures with minimal props, mudras with mantra affirmations, and self-massage.


Helpful tips, instructions, and modifications.


Quiet Sanctuary Practice Handouts: Exclusive to this Workshop – enjoy continuing your practice with this helpful reference.


Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra will complete our workshop, with Jennifer’s soothing voice leading you on a special journey to return to your Quiet Sanctuary. This lying down guided meditation will allow each level of your being to deeply rest. 30-minutes of yoga nidra is said to feel like 3 hours of sleep! You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed!

Unlimited 5-Week Video Access - $55.

•  Time to absorb the content and cultivate your practice.

•  Handouts: Beautiful PDF Handouts for Your Continued Practice and Reference.

•  For All levels, Including Beginners

Discount Code If You Need It: REDUCE-TO-$42  (enter at checkout)

Jennifer is kind, knowledgeable, professional, easy going, and funny. It is a pleasure to be in her classes. She helps me look deep into myself and live a more mindful life."

~Mark M.

“A gifted and natural teacher, Jennifer is open hearted and extremely knowledgable. I feel I have expereinced and learned so much in her presence!”

~Cathy Beasley

Your experience includes…

Five Element Yoga®

Developed by Jennifer Reis, this powerully nourishing form weaves together yoga, yoga therapy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and massage therapy.

Comprehensive Practice

⇒ Breathing

⇒ Rhythmic Movement

⇒ Yoga Postures

⇒ Reflection

⇒ Meditation


Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra

Created by Jennifer, this lying down guided meditation allows you to deeply relax at the end of each session, restoring you within every level of being. 

Learn to Release Tensions From Both Body & Mind

Our sessions are designed to incrementally strengthen your core with movement, yoga and yoga with light weights practice with helpful tips, instructions, and modifications. We will also spend time releasing tension from the body and mind through breathing and freeing bound up energy. You will feel re-aligned and boosted from within!

Deep relaxation practice is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. To end each weekly session Jennifer will lead 20-minutes of Yoga Nidra practice that will change your life!

Deep relaxation is proven to activate the relaxation response, counteracting the effects of stress. This can lower stress hormones; improve sleep, promote physical and energetic ease; enhance mental clarity; boost mood and outlook; support emotional well-being to counteract depression and anxiety; help reduce pain; help us to lose weight and keep it off.

Let’s recap what’s included:

Quiet Sanctuary Restorative 2-Hour Workshop – On Demand


Accessible for All Levels Including Beginners


HANDOUTS: Beautiful Handouts For Your Continued Practice and Reference - PDF


A nourishing atmosphere with expert Yoga Teacher, Certified Yoga Therapist, Licensed Massage and Shiatsu Therapist Jennifer Reis


2-CE's YACEP Available


Unlimited 5-Week Recording Access

Unlimited 5-Week Video Access - $55.

•  Time to absorb the content and cultivate your practice.

•  For All Levels, Including Beginners

Discount Code If You Need It: REDUCE-TO-$42  (enter at checkout)