Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Teacher Training and Five Element Yoga® Teacher Training. Celebrating over 13 years! Join over 2200 graduates from Jennifer's teacher trainings world-wide. Dive deeper into your own practice while learning the skills to lead others.


I feel like a new person…
I feel like a new person after the weekend retreat with Jennifer. Everything was so peaceful and soothing.
Ayse Gurpinar
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I feel like a new person after the weekend retreat with Jennifer. Everything was so peaceful and soothing.
I feel stronger and more grounded…
I feel stronger and more grounded after a weekend of Five Element Yoga with Jennifer Reis. It was a wonderful opportunity to deeply and completely go within, accept, rejoice and rejuvenate.
Colleen Simo
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I feel stronger and more grounded after a weekend of Five Element Yoga with Jennifer Reis. It was a wonderful opportunity to deeply and completely go within, accept, rejoice and rejuvenate.
I feel validated and empowered…
I feel validated and empowered by Five Element Yoga. The yoga practice itself supported the elements and made them very accessible and meaningful. I dropped into a place of complete self-acceptance and grace.
Beth McLaughlin
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I feel validated and empowered by Five Element Yoga. The yoga practice itself supported the elements and made them very accessible and meaningful. I dropped into a place of complete self-acceptance and grace.
The antidote for modern life.
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra CD’s offer a much needed doorway into a world of profound rest and reconnection with ourselves. Effortlessly, Jennifer Reis leads us out of our scattered and frenetic lives to a place of healing and peace. Yoga nidra is the antidote for modern life. Everyone should do it daily.
Mark Hyman, MD author of the New York Times bestseller, UltraMetabolism
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra CD’s offer a much needed doorway into a world of profound rest and reconnection with ourselves. Effortlessly, Jennifer Reis leads us out of our scattered and frenetic lives to a place of healing and peace. Yoga nidra is the antidote for modern life. Everyone should do it daily.
Come home to your natural state of balance...
Come home to your natural state of balance and peace with Jennifer's soothing and masterful guidance. I love this CD and use it often.
Amy Weintraub, author of Yoga For Depression
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Come home to your natural state of balance and peace with Jennifer’s soothing and masterful guidance. I love this CD and use it often.
Often the only thing that helped me relax…
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra practice with your CD’s has impacted my life in a positive way. About a year ago I was going through a very difficult time with anxiety attacks and long bouts of insomnia. Your CD’s were often the only thing that helped me relax and eventually get to sleep. I recommend them to all of my clients.
Jill Braverman
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra practice with your CD’s has impacted my life in a positive way. About a year ago I was going through a very difficult time with anxiety attacks and long bouts of insomnia. Your CD’s were often the only thing that helped me relax and eventually get to sleep. I recommend them ... Often the only thing that helped me relax…
They are a blessing in my life.
I soon got all of Jennifer’s CDs– they are a blessing in my life – and began listening to them faithfully every day because this practice helped me so much. The amazing thing is I am handling insomnia without the use of any drugs — and that alone has made yoga nidra a savior in my life.
Bobbi Greenburg
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I soon got all of Jennifer’s CDs– they are a blessing in my life – and began listening to them faithfully every day because this practice helped me so much. The amazing thing is I am handling insomnia without the use of any drugs — and that alone has made yoga nidra a savior in ... They are a blessing in my life.
I go on into my day with more...
Jennifer goes with me everywhere I go — I will not leave home without her! What a gift to have her CD’s in my back pocket! I travel for work and it helps me settle into new places and to sleep. I listen, and I am calm, and I go on into my day with more energy than before.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Jennifer goes with me everywhere I go — I will not leave home without her! What a gift to have her CD’s in my back pocket! I travel for work and it helps me settle into new places and to sleep. I listen, and I am calm, and I go on into my day with ... I go on into my day with more energy than before.
You inspire me to be a better person.
I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE this CD. I listen to it almost every day. I just came back from Kripalu and took your yoga nidra class and one or two of your yoga classes while I was there. I almost think this CD is helping me more than the whole week – although the week was wonderful. Anyway, thank you. You inspire me to be a better person.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE this CD. I listen to it almost every day. I just came back from Kripalu and took your yoga nidra class and one or two of your yoga classes while I was there. I almost think this CD is helping me more than the whole week – although the week was wonderful. Anyway, ... You inspire me to be a better person.
A must for all who suffer from stress.
Jennifer's CDs are a must for all who suffer from stress. Her steady and calm guidance allows you to relax and settle into a wonderful sense of peace. I recommend her CDs often to my clients and students.
Hilary Garivaltis, former Dean of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Jennifer’s CDs are a must for all who suffer from stress. Her steady and calm guidance allows you to relax and settle into a wonderful sense of peace. I recommend her CDs often to my clients and students.
Everything about it was spectacular…
I keep reflecting on our Retreat together and wonder if I really told you how wonderful it was. Everything about it was spectacular... your organization and leadership... your calmness… your beauty.... These thoughts just come to mind and are very joyful!
your Mom
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I keep reflecting on our Retreat together and wonder if I really told you how wonderful it was. Everything about it was spectacular… your organization and leadership… your calmness… your beauty…. These thoughts just come to mind and are very joyful!
Thank you for your generosity…
Thank you for your generosity, your pure heart, your truly important work! I have working with my sleep difficulties for so long…feeling drained by fatigue and exhaustion. You can imagine my joy at finding your readily accessible guide to good daytime yoga nidra rest and vital nighttime sleep.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Thank you for your generosity, your pure heart, your truly important work! I have working with my sleep difficulties for so long…feeling drained by fatigue and exhaustion. You can imagine my joy at finding your readily accessible guide to good daytime yoga nidra rest and vital nighttime sleep.
You are a lifesaver!
I got your two wonderful CD's and I can't thank you ENOUGH. When I can't sleep, or I wake up and can't get back to sleep, YOU are the cure! Your beautiful voice, your poetic imagery, and your insightful guidance soothe my soul, quiet my nervous system, and send me into the bliss of yoga nidra or the arms of restful sleep. You are a lifesaver!
Peggy Schjeldahl
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I got your two wonderful CD’s and I can’t thank you ENOUGH. When I can’t sleep, or I wake up and can’t get back to sleep, YOU are the cure! Your beautiful voice, your poetic imagery, and your insightful guidance soothe my soul, quiet my nervous system, and send me into the bliss of yoga ... You are a lifesaver!
I feel relaxed, renewed and recharged.
I feel relaxed, renewed and recharged. My frazzled nerves and fight or flight reactions toned down completely. Being able to feel soothed was moving to me, and Jennifer was wonderful in her generous willingness to support each person during class. A wonderful experience to find my center again.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I feel relaxed, renewed and recharged. My frazzled nerves and fight or flight reactions toned down completely. Being able to feel soothed was moving to me, and Jennifer was wonderful in her generous willingness to support each person during class. A wonderful experience to find my center again.
I’ve found my teaching voice!
The generosity of what Jennifer shared in her training and all of her creative ability helped me to be creative. I've found my teaching voice!
Alison DeNicola
Jennifer Reis Yoga
The generosity of what Jennifer shared in her training and all of her creative ability helped me to be creative. I’ve found my teaching voice!
You helped me face my fears…
I finished school! Now I’m a drug and alcohol counselor and also became a certified personal trainer -- this all happened because I took your training. You helped me face my fears when I was ready to walk out the door. You helped heal my inner being heal, which had felt lost for so long. My soul needed nourishment and love and you and the group gave that to me. I am so grateful for taking your teach training for yoga nidra -- it has changed my life! I send you gratitude for being there when I needed you the most. Thank you!
Tanya Mossman
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I finished school! Now I’m a drug and alcohol counselor and also became a certified personal trainer — this all happened because I took your training. You helped me face my fears when I was ready to walk out the door. You helped heal my inner being heal, which had felt lost for so long. ... You helped me face my fears…
I cannot give Jennifer enough praise…
I cannot give Jennifer enough praise for her calm, grounding presence and ability to facilitate the teacher training fluidly. There was enough time and space for the material, experience, leading, questions, and discussion. The manual is incredibly thorough and helpful as I transition from the training into teaching.
Ana Schreck
Jennifer Reis Yoga
I cannot give Jennifer enough praise for her calm, grounding presence and ability to facilitate the teacher training fluidly. There was enough time and space for the material, experience, leading, questions, and discussion. The manual is incredibly thorough and helpful as I transition from the training into teaching.
I loved every minute of it!
Having taught Health Science and Special Education for 25 years, I truly know the amount of planning and preparation that is involved. Jennifer’s workshop had a delicate and perfect combination of activity, lecture, visuals, reading and I loved every minute of it! Thank you for everything!
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Having taught Health Science and Special Education for 25 years, I truly know the amount of planning and preparation that is involved. Jennifer’s workshop had a delicate and perfect combination of activity, lecture, visuals, reading and I loved every minute of it! Thank you for everything!
I am much more confident…
Jennifer’s Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra teacher training changed my approach to teaching yoga! I am much more confident and present in the movement but also more creative, playful and joyful too. Thank you for creating the space for my creativity to emerge!
Karen Kwass
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Jennifer’s Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra teacher training changed my approach to teaching yoga! I am much more confident and present in the movement but also more creative, playful and joyful too. Thank you for creating the space for my creativity to emerge!
I am happy and optimistic!
Jennifer has a loving and playful aspect – very engaging! I feel rejuvenated, deeply rested and totally relaxed. I am happy and optimistic! The Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra was very deep meditation and I found it to be self-nourishing. What a great way to relax, reflect and learn a great approach to life.
Henry French
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Jennifer has a loving and playful aspect – very engaging! I feel rejuvenated, deeply rested and totally relaxed. I am happy and optimistic! The Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra was very deep meditation and I found it to be self-nourishing. What a great way to relax, reflect and learn a great approach to life.
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra accommodates you. It's a practice that meets you where you are. It's liberating to find something that comes and finds you where you are. You don't need to be spiritual or be a yogi -- and it will work!
Lisa Danahy
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra accommodates you. It’s a practice that meets you where you are. It’s liberating to find something that comes and finds you where you are. You don’t need to be spiritual or be a yogi — and it will work!
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra teacher training
Thanks Jennifer. I led my second Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra today with veterans. As you have touched me, you have touched all of the people I know and who come to my classes.
Joe Dolock
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Thanks Jennifer. I led my second Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra today with veterans. As you have touched me, you have touched all of the people I know and who come to my classes.
Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra
Like a divine shovel, Jennifer’s yoga nidra has allowed me to dig into the deeper parts of my true Self. It’s revitalized my internal energy and has allowed me to accept myself just the way I am.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
Like a divine shovel, Jennifer’s yoga nidra has allowed me to dig into the deeper parts of my true Self. It’s revitalized my internal energy and has allowed me to accept myself just the way I am.
Jennifer Reis Yoga
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Summer is associated with the Fire Element, which can lead to an excess of heat and yang ‘active’ energy and intensity...
Since the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine transcend the confines of gender, they belong to us all. Every soul, no matter its earthly form, has...