
Healing Rings Of Light On Full Moonlit Beach: Yoga Nidra Journey



In this yoga nidra journey you are invited to bask in the ethereal glow of the Full Moon, as you are guided through a restorative exploration that soothes your mind, body, and soul.

Find yourself on a serene Full Moonlit beach, surrounded by the rhythmic whispers of the ocean waves. As you release and relax into the soft sands, you find yourself cocooned in the gentle embrace of healing rings of light – their soothing radiance encircling you -imbuing you with the essence of tranquility and renewal. With each breath, you absorb the calming energy of the feminine forces of nourishment during this cycle of the moon’s orbit, receiving the healing and rejuvenation where it’s needed within all levels of your being.

Let the gentle meditative waves of this journey wash over you, leaving you refreshed, renewed, and cradled in the healing embrace of the Moonlit Healing Beach.

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