Finding My Inner Guide flow is a journey inward, a dance of breath and body that can lead you to the quiet truth that has always lived within. You are invited to stretch not only your muscles, but the boundaries of your spirit, reaching deeper into the wisdom that rests in your heart.
May you move with grace, listen to the voice of your inner guide, and trust the strength carry within. With each breath, you’ll discover that peace is not something to chase, but something to uncover, waiting patiently in the stillness of your soul.
HOW TO: Coordinate the movements of your body with breath as you move between 2 postures in each ‘Set’ below. You may like to state the affirmations aloud as you EXHALE, and silently repeat them inward as you INHALE.
For all-levels. Modify with props and any way you need to make it feel just right for your body.

1. INHALE “I reach out to find my Inner Guide…”
- Opposite arm and leg extends in Chakravakasana Sunbird pose.
- Stretch from toes to fingertips.
- Draw navel towards your spine.
- Lengthen and reach for your True Self!
EXHALE “And come back to my center.”
- Round and return inward.
- Allow yourself to be both taken care of and provided for.
- Trust in each moment.
Repeat three breath cycles on each side.
2. “I am grounded in my True Self.”
- Feel Earth’s grounding presence rooting your legs as you EXHALE and lift your hips, pressing your hands deep into the Earth.
- Extend your tail into Downward Dog.
- Feel your potency!
“From this source, my inner wisdom flows.”
- From Down Dog, INHALE step your Right foot forward and raise your arms into Anjanyasana.
- Reach upward as the Fountain of Life.
- Let your body be internally showered by the vital energy from your own wellspring.
- Sweep your arms forward to the ground and step back to Down Dog.
Repeat one to three repetitions with breath from Down Dog to Anjanyasana on each side.
3. EXHALE “Though at times I feel down, overwhelmed, and like I’ve lost my way.”
- Retreat and rest within in Garbasana Child’s pose.
- Go inward and allow yourself to feel any fear, grief, or feelings of being lost.
INHALE “My Inner Guide frees me from fear and shows me the way.”
- Smile and sweep your arms up overhead, waving away any doom and gloom in Fountain pose (I just made that name up! It works!).
- Repeat Child into Fountain one to three times.
“In my True Self I rest deeply where I am filled with Pure Love and Acceptance.”
- Retreat into Savasana pose and allow the love of the Universal Heart to surround and relax you.
- Allow your mind and body to sink into peace and stillness.
- Rest for 8 minutes or more.
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss program. The general information displayed here is not intended to substitute for or replace your healthcare professional.
Five Element Yoga® is a vibrant and colorful flowing practice created by Jennifer Reis. This potent practice realigns you with the rhythms of nature as you explore your inner five elements.
An all-levels yoga practice, Five Element Yoga® invites you to revitalize body with yoga postures, flow with yogic breathing, tune into your energy with mudras, detoxify with self-massage, deeply rest and rejuvenate in Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra, and integrate your discoveries with creative expression and reflection.
Join Jennifer for Five Element Yoga®:
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Five Element Yoga® Teacher Training (for EVERYONE! You do not need to be a yoga teacher)