Vitality Tune Up Yoga

Vitality Tune Up Yoga

Rocking and rolling holding these energy points will revitalize you!










Stomach 36 energy point from Traditional Chinese Medicine which is the ‘DOES EVERYTHING’ point! It will revitalize and strengthen both the structure of the body: bones and muscles, as well as all the systems and organs of the body, including the immune system. If there is one point you press each day, this would be a great one!





1. Cross your arms and press Stomach 36 points just below the knees, and just past the shin bones.




2. Rock and roll forward to back, or side to side if you prefer, while holding Stomach 36 for 2-5 minutes each morning, or when you need a pick-me-up! (try it instead of a coffee). You’ll be massaging and relieving tensions from your spine, back muscles, shoulders and neck. You’ll also be activating Water Element through the Bladder lines near the spine, and all the nerves flowing out of the spine creating a whole body and system treatment. And you thought you were just having fun!





Jennifer Reis is an E-RYT 500 yoga instructor, C-IAYT yoga therapist, and Licensed Massage Therapist, who has been practicing Shiatsu (based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) since 2005. She draws on these practices together in her creation of Five Element Yoga®.

Jennifer Reis Yoga Copyright©2019

VIDEO Sound Vibration

VIDEO Sound Vibration

The energy of sound and its vibration made visible! This is always such a cool and incredible thing to watch, hear and feel! Just think how everything inside our bodies resonate with sounds and everything around us, just like these particles of sand.


Merudanda Mudra

Merudanda Mudra

This mudra instills a sense of energized alignment within the earth-sky axis. ‘Meru’ sacred mountain, ‘danda’ meaning staff, and Merudanda the name of the spinal column: together representing the central axis of energy in the body, balanced with stability and center.

ALL FIVE ELEMENTS: Activates and awakens Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether Elements bringing energized harmony within.

Hold your hands in loose fists with thumbs pointing skyward, resting on thighs facing for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently.


“My energy is dynamic, balanced and aligned.”

  • Strengthens integrity in all aspects of one’s being.
  • Energizing in a balanced, grounded and uplifting way.
  • Enhances 3rd Chakra, the inner Sun increasing optimism, confidence and determination.
  • Supports health of skeletal system with spinal alignment.
  • Naturally balances flows of upward and downward energy.



These mudras, and the information provided here, are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage.
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