Kaleshvara Mudra

Kaleshvara Mudra

Held at the heart, Kaleshvara allows you to feel the balance of both compassion and wisdom that resides here in your heart.


FIVE ELEMENTS: Activates and awakens Air and Ether Elements bringing a sense of openness, breath, and unified connection with all that is.


Hold your hands in front of your heart for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently.


“I am always at home in my heart.”


  • Helps you feel at home within yourself.
  • Allows you to feel beyond sense of time and limitations, instilling feeling freedom.
  • Uplifting energy can be helpful for depression.
  • Unifies the connection of wisdom and compassion, expanding unconditional love for all beings.
  • Massaging effect on chest, neck and head improves circulation to thymus, thyroid and pituitary glands.
  • Restores knowledge of one’s inner dwelling place bringing a sense of comfort.



These mudras, and the information provided here, are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage.
VIDEO Home Phillip Phillips

VIDEO Home Phillip Phillips

I love this song by Phillip Phillips about making this place HOME! It gives me encouragement that where ever I am, will be home, because home lives within us where ever we are. It’s here for you with words so you can take it in visually and poetically, and even sing along if you like!

Trimurti Mudra

Trimurti Mudra

Trimurti Mudra instills a sense of inner quiet and peace within. It’s specifically helpful with learning to flow with life’s transitions. As human beings in a path and on our journeys, we are always flowing through some sort of change.

What transitions are you in right now?

Spend time holding Trimurti Mudra to honor your changes and transitions with Grace, as best you can, instead of pushing, resisting, or wishing it was different. This will help you to move into a ‘new normal’ with greater ease.

FIVE ELEMENTS – Activates and awaken:

  • WATER ELEMENT bringing a sense of grounded flow and stability. 
  • AIR ELEMENT opening awareness in the heart, increasing receptivity, grace and acceptance.

Hold your hands on your belly below the belly button for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently:

“I flow through life’s transitions with ease and grace.”

  • Reduces stress and tension.
  • Calming, centering, and soothing, Trimurti balances the nervous system.
  • Enhances deep peace and restoration.
  • Supports integration of the multitude of thoughts and emotions synonymous with change.
  • Specifically good for reproductive system, menstruation and menopausal changes.
  • Restores knowledge of one’s inner dwelling place bringing a sense of comfort.


These mudras are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation 
by Joseph and Lilian LePage, and used by permission.
VIDEO Dog Meets Kitten

VIDEO Dog Meets Kitten

Sometimes big changes happen that you were not expecting: like the day this German Shepherd’s owners brought home a kitten! He goes through all the stages of  inner transition: shock, disbelief, aversion, doubt, fear, curiosity, and finally flowing into acceptance, expirimentation, playfulness, sense of ease and into enjoyment of his new-found companion! Now he can’t remember what its like not to have a pet kitten!

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