Chinmaya Mudra allows you to calm down your energy, soothe your mind and find your breath once again.


FIVE ELEMENTS: Activates and awakens EARTH ELEMENT to instill feeling safe, secure and grounded.


Hold Chinmaya Mudra with hands facing downward on your lap for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel.


“I abide in my Calm Center.”


  • Can assist with insomnia and with falling asleep.
  • Increases health of bones and muscles.
  • Can reduce blood pressure.
  • Helps lower stress and anxiety.
  • Brings nervous system into parasympathetic mode.
  • Helps fear and anxiety to be released, encouraging peace and harmony within.


No known cautions.


These mudras, and the information provided here, are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage.


VIDEO How to Sleep In Space

VIDEO How to Sleep In Space

Wow this is so interesting! How DO they sleep in space? Cute video with Chris in Canada shows us how its done! (I can imagine if they had yoga nidra pumped into their sleep stations it would improve their sleep too!)

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