5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility
Enjoy these simple meditations for Short Pauses. You can do them anytime, from 1-minute or more, or all day long!
- Gaze into a FLOWER. Notice and savor your time inside this flower. Use all of your senses: See the colors, patterns, geometric forms; Smell its fragrance; Feel its texture; Sense it opening like wings out to the Universe and the stars and planets…
BREATHE for 3-minutes into your Belly with hands on your belly if you wish. (Set your timer if you want). Let everything else fade away, except your Breath and its Rhythm…
Remember what made you SMILE in the last 24-hours. Let yourself fill with your Inner Smile recalling what made you smile. Every cell in your body, 60-trillions cells, glowing with your Inner Smile…
Imagine playing HOOKY for the next few hours. Yes, you are now off the hook! What would you most like to do? If you are not able to do it, then IMAGINE doing it with all of your senses for 3-minutes or more. Notice how it makes you feel in your body…
Intentionally GO WITH THE FLOW today. No matter what happens, pretend/imagine/believe that everything is unfolding just as it aught to. Practicing moving with the flow can help you feel a connection to a force that is greater than oneself. Deciding to go with the flow takes courage since you are surrendering the need to do everything ‘yourself’, learning to trust in the help and support that is always here. When you open to being in the flow, you open to infinity within…