Evening Prayer: Sleep Chant – Karen Drucker
A beautiful sleep lullaby prayer from the talented Karen Drucker. Click Below:
A beautiful sleep lullaby prayer from the talented Karen Drucker. Click Below:
The disruption of regular rhythms and routines can leave us feeling unmoored, while heightened emotions and potential triggers from interactions with family and friends may lead to fatigue, inflammation, insomnia, nervous energy, and an emotional roller-coaster.
Holiday blues can emerge as deep, rich, and varied emotions arise, especially in the presence of loss or grief—a universal human experience, as we have all, at some point, lost someone or something significant. Here are some Holiday Calm tips for you to navigate this season with greater ease and balance.
>KEEP YOUR HEALTHY PRACTICES & RHYTHMS: You already in place your healthy habits and as best you can, keep them up, especially at this time! Keep practicing your yoga, meditation, yoga nidra, walking, sleeping 7+ hours, resting on purpose, exercise…
>DRINK LOTS OF WATER. This will keep you hydrated, and also help you to return to your in-going self-care mode. Water is cleansing and will purify your systems and body.
>MAINTAIN AS REGULAR A SCHEDULE AS YOU CAN. This will help keep you grounded and rooted in the face of commotion and emotion:
>INDULGE, IN SMALLER BITES, LONGER CHEWS, SMALLER SIPS: Savor the yummy indulgences of the season by making them last in your mouth! One little square of chocolate if sucked on in tiny bites, can last 15 minutes of enjoyment. Make it Mindful, it will actually be more enjoyable.
>DO NOT FORCE JOY. Be with all the feelings that arise within you. It’s normal to feel sad, lonely, and grief at this time of year for everyone. It’s good to take time to let yourself feel and cry.
>REACH OUT. Reach out to others, especially those who you know are alone, or have lost someone. A simply phone conversation can bring so much light into your day, and for your friend.
>BE KIND TO YOURSELF. Remember yourself and give yourself a Break, and show yourself Compassion and Acceptance. It will benefit you, and those around you as you opening your heart to yourself, you open it to others.
HOW TO (Listen to your body and its messages as you practice):