Central Harmonizer Acupressure

Central Harmonizer Acupressure

Energy flows more freely to the organs, glands, systems and chakra wheels of energy when congestion and blockages are removed with this Central Harmonizer Flow. You will shift into the parasympatheic nervous system mode for natural healing, balance and restoration. This may put you to sleep and if that happens, let it. Practice this flow daily if you choose. It will help your health, relaxation and sleep!




Grounding Yoga Practices: Cultivating Apana Vayu Downward Current

Grounding Yoga Practices: Cultivating Apana Vayu Downward Current

Grounding, calming and stabilizing, the downward flowing energy within you is called APANA VAYU. When you feel it and work in your practice to cultivate it, it will help you to find your roots and get grounded. When you EXHALE, you can easily feel this downward wash of energy through your body, especially in the pelvis, legs and feet. Systems energized are eliminatory, reproductive, and urinary.

HELPS: Stress, worry, attachment.

AIDS: Lowering blood pressure, constipation, reproductive, menstrual and menopausal issues, urinary issues.

CORRESPONDS TO: Earth and Water Elements, Root and Navel Chakras.


CLICK HERE FOR Apana Vayu Yoga Practices


Cooling Breathwork to Chill By

Cooling Breathwork to Chill By

Fire element comes into fullest expression during the summer with excitement, warmth, and outward flowing energy. During this intense ‘yang’ time of the year, we can feel increased heat, anxiety, agitation, irritability, anger and insomnia. We can burn out by summer’s end.

Try these relaxing and cooling ‘yin’ breathing techniques to help you stay chill this summer! These breaths will be helpful to you all year long if you experience inflammation, experience hot flashes, or have a primarily fire element constitution.

KAKI Crow Mudra Breath

  • With pursed lips almost like drinking through a straw, INHALE slowly sipping air into your belly.
  • EXHALE through the nose longer than the inhale.
  • Feel the cooling action on your tongue, almost like mint. Repeat several more times.
  • (for a milder effect, try EXHALING through pursed lips, and INHALING through the nose)


SHEETALI Cool Breath

  • Roll your tongue and INHALE through your tongue slowly to fill your belly.
  • Then EXHALE through the nose longer than the inhale.
  • Repeat several more times. (If you are not able to roll your tongue then practice Kaki Breath instead).



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