10 Tips for Happy Spring-Time Health

10 Tips for Happy Spring-Time Health

Spring-time has intense new energies! Be mindful and aware of your body, energy, and mood as you flow through spring when elements of Wood, Water, Earth, and Fire Elements predominate.

This is a time to cultivate your innate calm – focus on relaxing your mind, body and heart. Here are some helpful tips for a Radiant Spring:

  1. GO SLOW and Easy in your activities.
  2. GET OUTSIDE: take a nice long walk in the park. Walking helps decongest the Liver which is active in the Spring as part of the Wood Element.
  3. MOVE MORE! This helps your energy to circulate. Keep your movement practices gentle and smooth for your Spring Thaw.
  4. REST MORE TOO! This will help integrate the strong seasonal shifts and the emotions that arise during this time, as well as giving your Liver and Gallbladder a chance to rejuvenate:
    1. Try increasing the length of your Savasana.
    2. Practice daily Yoga Nidra (20-minutes can feel like 2-3hrs of sleep!).
  5. CLEANSE: Eat lighter. Drink Nettle Tea. Eat more cooked and fresh leafy greens.
  6. HYDRATE: Drink room temperature water all day long.
  7. AVOID alcohol, or cut down. This gives your Liver a chance to renew itself now when it’s most active.
  8. LET GO, even more now. Especially let go of any stressful situations that you can.
  9. FORGIVE again, and again, and again both yourself, and others.
  10. LAUGH and laugh and laugh! This helps your inner Wood Element come back into balance and happy harmony.

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