‘Vajra’ means diamond and practicing this mudra awakens breath and energy in the solar area of the body, including the third chakra called Manipura, the ‘City of Gems’. The name gives both an amazing visual image and feeling of light, sparkling radiance within center to help us feel more confident and centered.
“My Inner Jewel Reminds Me That I’m Both Centered and Radiant”
HOW TO: Hands float in front of the solar area just below the ribs, with the ‘diamond’ shape of the middle fingers pointing forward from solar plexus.
Hold for 5-10 natural breaths. State the intention statement three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel in body, mind, and emotions. No known cautions.
FIVE ELEMENTS: Vajra Mudra activates and balances the Fire Element, helping you to glow with inner light, feel confident in your center, realize the vision for your life, and also boost digestive fire called Agni for better digestion and assimilation.
Awakens inner diamond of certainty, clarity, and life purpose so we feel centered and sure.
Supports the unfolding of all one’s unique talents and abilities.
Balances 3rd Chakra Manipura.
Enhances digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
Gently energizing and stimulating – can be helpful for depression.
This Information is used with permission and modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy.
Shunya means “empty” or “zero” and is a gateway to the Beginner’s Mind—a state of openness and infinite possibility where preconceptions and attachments fall away. In this space one’s True Self may become more apparent as this shedding the layers of ego and false identity uncover the unchanging essence within.
Far from being a void, Shunya is a fertile ground of potential, where creativity, clarity, and authenticity can naturally arise. By embracing this emptiness, we can find inner peace and remember that our truest nature is not shaped by external circumstances but by the boundless possibilities of simply being.
“I Empty Out to Return to My True Self”
HOW TO: Middle fingers touch down to the center of the palm (interestingly this is also an energy point in Traditional Chinese Medicine that calms and clears the thoughts). Thumbs hold the middle fingers in place. You can hold the palms upward on your lap; or elbows into the waist and palms float upward at your sides.
Hold for 5-10 natural breaths. State the intention statement three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel in body, mind, and emotions. ~No known cautions.
YOGA POSE: Try practicing Shunya Mudra with Warrior, Star and Bridge poses.
FIVE ELEMENTS: Shunya Mudra activates Ether-Space Element. It instills purification as it awakens the wheel of energy in the Throat center – Vishuddha Chakra.
Shunya Can Help To:
Clear the Mind and Thoughts.
Expand ways of seeing and being.
Open you to New Possibilities and Transformation.
Release tensions through the head and shoulder area, including the sense organs.
Balance Thyroid.
Open space between thoughts and reactions.
Information provided here is used by permission and modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy
Winter whispers her soft song, draped in the quiet elegance of the Water Element. She holds us in her stillness, her grace, her endless flow. This is a beautiful time of year when Water comes into her full fruition which you will see in this lovely video. Winter truly makes Water Element dance!
While I work on my computer I sometimes play an inspiring music, or music and video, to keep me feeling upbeat, and remembering the joys of nature–where I would rather be–then sitting in front of a screen! Ironically, it helps me to be in the awe of nature to some degree.
I offer you this Winter Wonderland video, with its soothing melodies and tranquil scenes. It lifts me, grounds me, and reminds me to flow, even when the world feels still. May this bring you the same calm and quiet joy it has brought me. Sit with it, and let Winter work her Water Element beauty and delight.
“I trust I receive everything I need, each step of my journey.”
Adhara Mudra invites you to receive the abundance that already surrounds you, deepening trust and uplifting your energy and outlook. Yet, trusting and receiving are not always easy—doubt and resistance may rise. As you soften into this opening, may you begin to sense the quiet grace woven through all things.
FIVE ELEMENTS: Adhara Mudra activates and awakens EARTH, WATER & FIRE ELEMENTS which initiates a downward flow of energy helping you to feel your foundational base of support. Breath flows more freely into the pelvis and legs, to feel a sense of grounding, weight, and calm. Inner FIRE ignited creates a feeling of enthusiasm and esteem, helping you to know ‘I am worthy to receive abundantly’.
HOW TO: Hands are held in front of the belly, thumbs outward like wings. Hold for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel. (No known cautions).
ENERGY AWAKENS circulating vitality and grounding through body and mind.
Allows feelings to develop of TRUSTING THE FUTURE.
Nourishes digestive, elimination, reproductive, and respriatory systems.
INNER WEALTH and GLOW arise from within.
Information provided here is used by permission and modified from
Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage.
This is known as the ‘fearless mudra’ and has helped my fears dissipate on numerous occasions when I remember to practice it in an intense moment!
Abhaya Varada Mudra helps to cultivate trust in what is to come. Helping to calm your mind-emotions, body, and energy, as well as reducing stress, anxiety, and insecurity, this mudra nurtures a sense of safety and trust in both the present moment, and the future. Ultimately, it allows you to connect deeply with your True Self, who is always fearless.
FIVE ELEMENTS: Abhaya Varada activates and awakens EARTH and WATER ELEMENTS which initiates a downward flow of energy and breath into the pelvis and legs, to feel a sense of grounding, weightedness, and calm.
Reduces stress, anxiety and insecurity.
Calms, grounds and centers your mind, emotions, body and energy.
Helps you feel safety and also trust in the future.
Nourishes the elimination system.
Allows you to align with your True Self.
HOW TO: Hold Abhaya Varada Mudra with Left hand in front of the belly, and Right hand cupped facing forward, for 5-10 natural breaths. State the affirmation three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel.
No known cautions.
The mudras, and the information provided here, are modified from Joseph and Lilian LePage, founders of Integrative Yoga Therapy.