Calming Mudra Flow

These three mudras will bring you into your calming, soothing center and out of the chattering mind and ocean of emotion to be at peace once again.


“I am always calm in the center of my being.”

Place your thumbs inside your palms and gently make loose fists around thumbs. Turn hands downward on your lap. Notice your natural breath, sensing its natural rhythm through your body. Good for lowering blood pressure (if you have low blood pressure make sure this mudra feels good in your body, otherwise move on to the next mudras).

  • connects you with inner stillness
  • assists feeling secure and grounded
  • helps to reduce stress and anxiety
  • good for meditation and centering




“I flow through this day with comfort and ease.”

Place your right palm on your navel, underneath your belly button. Left palm floats upward and slightly out to the side like you’re holding a seed or a stone. Become aware of the flow of breath in your belly. Good for pelvic health including urinary and reproductive systems

  • instills a sense of self-nourishment
  • releases tension from low back
  • allows you to feel at home within your center and your body
  • soothes and calms the mind and ocean of emotions




“As waves of relaxation flow through me, I am calmed.”

Hold your hands in this position in your lap or near your navel. Jalashaya means ‘lake’ and refers to your inner reservoir of calm and peace within that allows you to heal and sleep among other things. It brings the breath into the pelvis to reduce stress and tension.

  • soothes and calms body and mind
  • helps to release tendencies of judgment and comparison
  • can cool and calm inflammation
  • restores peace to lower back

Begin with 5-10 natural breaths for each mudra and increase the number of breaths weekly to your practice.

These mudras and information provided are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy.

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