Student Stories

CHERYL MCBRIDEPerfect No Longer Matters

Perfect No Longer Matters

I spent many years of my life striving for perfection. I wanted the perfect house with the pristine yard, perfect car, perfect outfits, and the perfect job. I exhausted myself with making all things...

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BETH LEWISThe Best Sleep in Eleven Years!

The Best Sleep in Eleven Years!

I practiced yoga on and off during my adult life, however never as a steady practice. In 2008 my husband died after eighteen months of terminal bone marrow cancer called multiple myeloma. We’d been...

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ABBY YAPLEKid's Need Yoga Nidra Too!

Kid's Need Yoga Nidra Too!

I was introduced to yoga at a young age by my grandmother Cindy Yaple, who is a yoga teacher. I enjoyed taking the classes and sometimes got to go to her adult classes when I was three years old! (I...

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