5 Years of Heart: Celebrating Our Online Studio

This week marks five years since we began gathering in our Online Studio—a space that began in uncertain times and grew into something steady, heartfelt, and deeply nourishing. 

In those early days, it was all a bit wobbly—tripods tipping over, sound checks that didn’t always pass the test, and the tender hope that showing up through a screen could still feel like true connection. But we kept going—because we needed it, and because you showed up. 

And here we are. Five years later. Still showing up. Still practicing. Still growing—together. 

Here are just a few milestones we’re celebrating in our Online Studio: 

  • Countless moments of practice together—laughter, breath, tears, quiet, and balance. 
  • 1000+ Yoga Nidra Journeys!!! Every Thursday night has become a sacred nest of Divine Sleep together.
  • 24 Series Courses, each paired with a lovingly crafted 50-page workbook to guide and support learning and practice. 
  • 60+ Workshops exploring Mudras, Restorative Yoga, the Meridians, and more—each one a chance to reconnect within yourself. 
  • 21 Teacher Trainings in Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra and Five Element Yoga®—with over 500 graduates now sharing these teachings around the world!
  • 1-Weekend Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Teacher Training newly reimagined: 40-hour Certificate Training includes interactive coursework and flexibility to fit into your schedule. 
  • On-Demand Library of YOGA NIDRA JOURNEYS, Workshops and Series with variety and depth to meet you where you are right now.

What we’ve created here is more than an online studio. It’s a living, breathing community filled with presence, wisdom, and heart. Whether you’ve joined for one session or many, you’ve been part of it—and I’m so grateful to be with you here. 

It hasn’t just been Michael and me—this space has been held up by the care and expertise of more than ten incredible souls behind the scenes. From web development and design to administration and technical support, each person has brought their unique gifts to help this studio thrive. We’re so grateful to our team for your dedication, creativity, and heart. Thank you for everything you do to make this possible.

Thank you for walking this path with us. 

Here’s to the next five years—may they be just as rich, connected, and nourishing. 

With deep love and appreciation, Jennifer

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