Heart Hridaya Mudra

“My Heart is Open and Spacious, Allowing Me To Be With All That Is.”

Cultivating the support within the inner refuge of the heart opens the doorway to greater self-love and acceptance. Hridaya means heart in Sanskrit and this mudra allows you to go inward through the door of your heart into the place of deep trust, support, and solace to feel the open spaciousness of the cave of the heart, which allows us to be able to ‘be with’ all that is.

The Heart Chakra wheel of energy is said to be an emerald green lotus flower in the chest, and can be imagined with petals pulsing with your breath, to expand unconditional love and support.


Right hand is placed over the Heart, and Left hand on top of Right hand. 

State the affirmation 3 times. Begin with 5-10 natural breaths and increase the number of breaths weekly to your practice.

Possible Effects:

  • Releases tightness in the chest or breath.
  • Balances both upward and downward flowing currents of energy.
  • Both breath and nourishment rises into the lungs, heart, and thymus gland to improve health of respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  • A greater sense of trust within oneself is instilled, creating a base of support in challenging times and full emotions.
  • As you sense your Heart and its truth, emotions harmonize back into balance dissolving fears, questions, and sorrows.

These mudras and information are modified and given with permission by Joseph LePage.

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