Mind-Clearing Tips and Hacks

Sometimes, my mind feels like a crowded room, overflowing with the clutter of thoughts, plans, and pieces of the world I’m trying to hold. In my heartfelt effort to stay engaged—with life, with others, and with the pursuit of meaning—I find myself taking in more and more: emails, faces, words, stories, whether shared in person, on the news, or through what I’m reading or watching.

And with it all come the thoughts—constantly working to untangle, understand, and make sense of it all. The stream never seems to slow. In a life so full, how can we create a sense of clarity, balance, and calm within our minds?

To help with this, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite mind-clearing practices. They’re simple, quick—most take just a minute or two—and are designed to help you pause, release, and start fresh. Try weaving one into your day each hour, and notice how the mind begins to open like a quiet, renewed space.




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