Murti Mudra for Embodiment

“Fully Present in My Body, I Am Here Now.”

Murti means ‘body’ or ‘form’ in Sanskrit. It guides the breath to settle deep into the pelvis, anchoring balance, stability, and comfort within both body and mind. By grounding yourself and feeling your connection to the Earth, you cultivate a sense of presence and embodiment.

Murti mudra enhances the exhalation which allows the mind to relax and the body and energy to soften. It’s a soothing balm for a busy mind and restless energy.


HOW TO: Fingers are interlaced with little fingers pointing forward. Hands are placed in Murti Mudra resting in the lap, or in front of the navel.

Hold for 5-10 natural breaths. State the intention statement three times out loud, then silently. Notice how you feel in body, mind, and emotions.

FIVE ELEMENTS: Murti Mudra activates and balances the Earth Element, and the Root Chakra, as well as the downward flowing current called Apana vayu. This allows you to release stress and feel presence within your body and solid ground beneath you.


  • Increases both steadiness and ease.
  • Cultivates mindful awareness in body and mind.
  • Helps to optimally align the spine.
  • Release of stress and can lower blood pressure.
  • Supports treatment of anxiety.

Cautions: None


These mudras and information provided are modified from Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy.

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