
Radiant Being Blog

Dharma Chakra Mudra

Dharma Chakra Mudra

'Dharma' refers to the Wheel of the Eternal, and 'Chakra' is a vortex or wheel of energy that resides in the central axis of the torso in the energy body. This mudra assists full breathing and flow of energy through the entire torso,...

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7 TIPS to Increase Your Spark

7 TIPS to Increase Your Spark

Are you feeling a little Dull? Rusty? Burned out? Here are some great practices to help you find your light and center again.     Enjoy this Present Moment: view each day is a Field of New Possibilities. Allow yesterday to...

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Vajra Diamond Mudra

Vajra Diamond Mudra

'Vajra' means diamond and it directs breath and energy into the third chakra called Manipura, the 'city of gems': I find this name gives both an amazing visual and feeling of light, sparkling radiance within my center! "My inner jewel...

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7 Tips For Beginning Again

7 Tips For Beginning Again

It's never easy to Begin Again. And yet, life keeps asking us to do just that. Change is also what keeps us young, alert, and has the potency to strengthen us physically, mentally and emotionally. Imagine yourself as a flexible reed,...

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