
Radiant Being Blog

Shunya Mudra

Shunya Mudra

Shunya means ‘empty; zero’ and thus can help to bring one into Beginner's Mind where every possibility exists.   “I Empty Out to Feel the Completeness of Who I Am.”   HOW TO: Middle fingers touch down to the center of the palm...

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VIDEO Newborn Baby Bath

VIDEO Newborn Baby Bath

Once upon a time, you too, were this new, fresh and young! Clear your inner slate to become a beginner of life again, able both receive life, and to be fully present in each moment, like this baby being bathed. (I admit, I have a...

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Jnana Mudra Wisdom

Jnana Mudra Wisdom

Jnana means ‘Wisdom’ and this mudra allows you to open to your whole and complete self, represented by the CIRCLE of your index finger joined with the thumb. Often we are held back by limiting beliefs that no longer serve us or the world....

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5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

5 Short Pauses to Open to Infinite Possibility

Enjoy these simple meditations for Short Pauses. You can do them anytime, from 1-minute or more, or all day long!         Gaze into a FLOWER. Notice and savor your time inside this flower. Use all of your senses: See...

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