Radiant Being Blog

VIDEO: Aurora Borealis Northern Lights
Growing up in the great white north of Canada, the Northern Lights were a regular occurance, but always a very special one! Each sighting was different and awe-inspiring. This is a great video of the lights in many northern areas. I hope...

VIDEO Ave Maria/ Eurythmy with Gregorian Chant
Grace and ephemeral movement, with an amazing singer, welcoming in the LIGHT together in this lovely video! Ave Maria Gregorian Chanting with Eurythmy movement. Not to be missed.

VIDEO: Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur’s Inspirational Transformation
An oldie but a goodie! From obese, disabled and in pain, Arthur Boorman transformed with yoga! His motto: 1. START. 2. DON'T QUIT! I love that!!! Daily yoga and meditation practice WILL transform you too, from the inside out.

5 Easy ‘Calm and Collect’ Excercises
Esther is one of my inspiring yoga students! She sends me many interesting and heartfelt emails, one of which is this article that she has generously agreed to let me post here. I love these easy ways to bring 'Calm and Collect' into my...

Adhara Receiving Mudra
“I trust I receive everything I need, each step of my journey.” Adhara Mudra invites you to receive the abundance that already surrounds you, deepening trust and uplifting your energy and outlook. Yet, trusting and receiving are not...