
Radiant Being Blog

Mani Ratna Mudra

Mani Ratna Mudra

'Precious Jewel' For Global Inner Healing Mani Ratna means 'precious jewel' helping to awaken you to the inner jewel of your being, your True Self. Real health is living from the place of radiant joy which awakens the more one is attuned...

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VIDEO Range of Light

VIDEO Range of Light

Please enjoy this video of the play of light - our precious light - the beauty of the night time sky, the sun coming and going each day - and now the days becoming longer once again. I am reminded of the sacredness of the Winter Solstice...

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Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra invokes the Divine within, to bring you into a place of unity and wholeness. And allows you to feel connection with your own heart, and a felt sense of the love of the world around you, helping you to accept 'what is' in...

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VIDEO Now I Like Who I Am. I Know Who I Am.

VIDEO Now I Like Who I Am. I Know Who I Am.

Larry Callies's life has had many twists and turns. Talk about a resilient spirit! Life changed him and he changed too - gaining wisdom, and a newfound knowledge of himself. It reminds me of how life right now is changing and asking so...

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