Radiant Being Blog

VIDEO How to Sleep In Space

VIDEO How to Sleep In Space

Wow this is so interesting! How DO they sleep in space? Cute video with Chris in Canada shows us how its done! (I can imagine if they had yoga nidra pumped into their sleep stations it would improve their sleep too!)

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Immune Boost Five Element Yoga® VIDEO Practice

Immune Boost Five Element Yoga® VIDEO Practice

Keeping our immune systems healthy and balanced can save time, energy, money and heartache that illness can cause. Although the immune system itself is complex, there are many easy techniques from yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and...

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VIDEO Amazing Flight with Birds over Castle

VIDEO Amazing Flight with Birds over Castle

Fly with the flight of the birds in their flocks on a microlight with a young boy, a man playing an accordian (? you have to see it to believe), and others! Truly incredible! You get to see them in flight and also see with the bird's eye...

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VIDEO 2-Minute Self-Compassion Practice

VIDEO 2-Minute Self-Compassion Practice

I love this! Kristin Neff, a leading researcher of self-compassion, has some easy ideas for Self-Compassion, including Hridaya Heart Mudra that I teach in the VIDEO in our Five Element Yoga® mudra practice!    

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VIDEO Polar Bear Love

VIDEO Polar Bear Love

Polar bears are simply amazing—so powerful, yet so tender, especially the mothers with their playful, roly-poly cubs. In Wapusk National Park, along the edge of Hudson’s Bay in Manitoba, Canada these incredible beings make their journey...

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