
Radiant Being Blog

Tejas Light Mudra

Tejas Light Mudra

“My heart light guides my way.” I LOVE this mudra because the shape of the hands actually look like a candle flame! The thumbs are the wick of the candle, the index fingers are the flame, and the other fingers represent the radiant light...

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Kaleshvara Mudra

Kaleshvara Mudra

Held at the heart, Kaleshvara allows you to feel the balance of both compassion and wisdom that resides here in your heart.   FIVE ELEMENTS: Activates and awakens Air and Ether Elements bringing a sense of openness, breath, and...

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VIDEO Home Phillip Phillips

VIDEO Home Phillip Phillips

I love this song by Phillip Phillips about making this place HOME! It gives me encouragement that where ever I am, will be home, because home lives within us where ever we are. It's here for you with words so you can take it in visually...

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Trimurti Mudra

Trimurti Mudra

Trimurti Mudra instills a sense of inner quiet and peace within. It's specifically helpful with learning to flow with life's transitions. As human beings in a path and on our journeys, we are always flowing through some sort of change....

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VIDEO Dog Meets Kitten

VIDEO Dog Meets Kitten

Sometimes big changes happen that you were not expecting: like the day this German Shepherd's owners brought home a kitten! He goes through all the stages of  inner transition: shock, disbelief, aversion, doubt, fear, curiosity, and...

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