
Radiant Being Blog

Metta Loving-Kindness Meditation

Metta Loving-Kindness Meditation

Numerous studies have provided evidence that Metta Loving-Kindness meditation has the ability to restructure the brain in a positive way. Metta means 'positive energy and kindness towards self and others' in the Pali language from...

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Mind-Clearing Tips and Hacks

Mind-Clearing Tips and Hacks

At times my mind feels so full and cluttered. And yet in my earnest desire to stay involved with life, with people, and trying to live a meaning and purposeful life, I inevitably keep taking even more things in: emails, faces, words,...

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Water Element Music and Sounds by Senta Reis

Water Element Music and Sounds by Senta Reis

My sister in law Senta Reis has played her incredible live music for us during some of my Retreats and Trainings for Five Element Yoga® and Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra. Many students asked 'When are you recording an album?' Inspired, she...

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10 Tips for Happy Spring-Time Health

10 Tips for Happy Spring-Time Health

Spring-time has intense new energies! Be mindful and aware of your body, energy, and mood as you flow through spring when elements of Wood, Water, Earth, and Fire Elements predominate. This is a time to cultivate your innate calm - focus...

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Spring Equinox 12 Ways to Celebrate

Spring Equinox 12 Ways to Celebrate

Spring Equinox is a powerful seasonal time that has been celebrated by ancient peoples throughout human history, and can be meaningful to us, here and now. This is a great time to pause and to celebrate the moment of this potent shift...

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