Radiant Being Blog

VIDEO Home Phillip Phillips
I love this song by Phillip Phillips about making this place HOME! It gives me encouragement that where ever I am, will be home, because home lives within us where ever we are. It's here for you with words so you can take it in visually...

Trimurti Mudra
Trimurti Mudra instills a sense of inner quiet and peace within. It's specifically helpful with learning to flow with life's transitions. As human beings in a path and on our journeys, we are always flowing through some sort of change....

VIDEO Dog Meets Kitten
Sometimes big changes happen that you were not expecting: like the day this German Shepherd's owners brought home a kitten! He goes through all the stages of inner transition: shock, disbelief, aversion, doubt, fear, curiosity, and...

John O’Donohue BEANNACHT
Beautiful poem of John O'Donohue, 'Beannacht', meaning blessing, recited by the poet himself. He is so elemental and tactile! I can see what he describes.

Keep Your Cool: 3 Energy Points for Cooling
There's no need to dive into ice cold water to cool down! These three energy points from Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the practice of Shiatsu finger pressure, can help you with summer heat, or any cause of heat within you, and...