
Radiant Being Blog

VIDEO Heart-Centered Mudras

VIDEO Heart-Centered Mudras

Video of Kapota Dove Mudra and Hridaya Heart Mudra to help you connect you with the essence of your Heart @Kripalu Center with birdsong.           Click on LARGE image for VIDEO          ...

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Ignite Your Spark Mudra Flow!

Ignite Your Spark Mudra Flow!

This mudra flow is good medicine and a healing balm for winter dreariness that also helps you rediscover your inner light! Uplifting, warming, improves digestion, confidence, radiates your inner light, and assists you to follow your...

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VIDEO Croqueted Playground

VIDEO Croqueted Playground

Toshiko Horiuchi is a leading artist in Canada and her native Japan who knits and crochets to make her interactive work. Many of her exhibitions are 'playgrounds' for children which are so imaginative and fun! It really helps children...

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My Favorite Yoga Pose

My Favorite Yoga Pose

Dancing Warrior is a pose to get you into your body and breath! Rooted in the earth and reaching for the sky with a lunge, and a lateral side bend, this pose has it all! Kripalu with Shaun Laframboise of RightLight Productions did a great...

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