Radiant Being Blog

Vitality Tune Up Yoga

Vitality Tune Up Yoga

Rocking and rolling holding these energy points will revitalize you!                   Stomach 36 energy point from Traditional Chinese Medicine which is the 'DOES EVERYTHING' point! It will...

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VIDEO Sound Vibration

VIDEO Sound Vibration

The energy of sound and its vibration made visible! This is always such a cool and incredible thing to watch, hear and feel! Just think how everything inside our bodies resonate with sounds and everything around us, just like these...

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Merudanda Mudra

Merudanda Mudra

This mudra instills a sense of energized alignment within the earth-sky axis. 'Meru' sacred mountain, 'danda' meaning staff, and Merudanda the name of the spinal column: together representing the central axis of energy in the body,...

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Pancha Maya Kosha: Five Layers to Wholeness

Pancha Maya Kosha: Five Layers to Wholeness

Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that leads you through the Five Kosha layers of being. The Five Koshas are one of the basic models from yoga philosophy that I have found incredibly helpful for understanding both myself and...

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Bhairava Mudra

Bhairava Mudra

Feel more FREEDOM and UNITY with Bhairava Mudra! When you know you are whole and complete exactly as you are - regardless of personality, perceived imperfections, likes and dislikes, and the influences of the world around you - there is...

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