Radiant Being Blog

VIDEO Croqueted Playground

VIDEO Croqueted Playground

Toshiko Horiuchi is a leading artist in Canada and her native Japan who knits and crochets to make her interactive work. Many of her exhibitions are 'playgrounds' for children which are so imaginative and fun! It really helps children...

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My Favorite Yoga Pose

My Favorite Yoga Pose

Dancing Warrior is a pose to get you into your body and breath! Rooted in the earth and reaching for the sky with a lunge, and a lateral side bend, this pose has it all! Kripalu with Shaun Laframboise of RightLight Productions did a great...

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VIDEO Way of Giants – Caminho dos Gigantes

VIDEO Way of Giants – Caminho dos Gigantes

In a forest of Giant trees, indigenous girl Oquirá challenges her destiny to learn and to understand transformation. Flute music with beautiful creative animation, this short shows us the profound connection to nature, and especially to...

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Chinmaya Mudra

Chinmaya Mudra

Chinmaya Mudra creates a sense of balance and alignment within the body's structure helping you to feel calm, rooted and supported from within. This in turn instills a sense of trusting yourself, your body, others and the world around...

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Pranidhana Mudra

Pranidhana Mudra

Pranidhana Mudra can help you to let go of what weighs you down, including old attachments and habits. 'Letting go' is inherently calming and can open up a sense of spaciousness within you. Deeply relaxing, Pranidhana Mudra can help lower...

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