
Radiant Being Blog

Music for Focus and Ease

Music for Focus and Ease

Great music for yoga, sitting calmly, or what I like to do best with it: listen while I'm on my computer! While I work, it helps me stay alert and focused, and tuned into nature and the elements with water flowing and birds chirping. The...

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VIDEO WaterColor Rainbow Galaxy

VIDEO WaterColor Rainbow Galaxy

It's so much fun to watch someone make art! I have so much admiration for the arts and creative expression. I've just begun to paint watercolors again myself, and find it so calming and cooling to express through COLOR and WATER! (P.S....

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Jalashaya Mudra

Jalashaya Mudra

Sweet relief is here! Jalashaya Mudra can help relieve intensity: anger, frustration, trying too hard, heat, as well as inflammation, to bring you into a calm, cool and sweet state. These are the attributes of the inner Wood Element out...

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Sleep Yoga Practices

Sleep Yoga Practices

Sleep! It’s as necessary as food, shelter and clothing. Yet everyone has difficulty with it at one time or another. As a certified yoga therapist, I spend a lot of time assisting my students and clients on improving their sleep. These...

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