
Radiant Being Blog

Adhara Mudra

Adhara Mudra

“I open to receive through all of my senses the glory that surrounds me." 'Adhara' refers to foundation which is the wellspring of all abundance on this Earth. This mudra helps to direct energy and breath to the solar center of the body...

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VIDEO the Beauty of 40 Fruits

VIDEO the Beauty of 40 Fruits

This is the art I want to make! How inspiring: artist and professor Sam Van Aken in Syracuse, NY took fruit trees, including ancient varieties that were running the risk of extinction, and created a tree by grafting that has over 40...

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Dirgha Swara Mudra

Dirgha Swara Mudra

“Released from constriction, I am filled with radiant energy.” The ‘Expanded Breath’ mudra. Hands are held in front of your heart with middle fingernails pressed together. Breath capacity can be naturally lengthened and expanded through...

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