
Radiant Being Blog

VIDEO Yoga for Yankees

VIDEO Yoga for Yankees

Great yoga for Yankees but also reminds me of yoga that would also appeal to many of my fellow Canadians! Poses like Itchy Dog and mudras  with affirmations like 'go away' - this is too funny and cute! I hope you enjoy it.

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Karuna Mudra

Karuna Mudra

My favorite statement of Swami Kripalu is: "The highest spiritual practice is Self-observation with compassion and without judgment." This is also one of the most difficult practices to do! Karuna Mudra can help your heart and chest to...

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Kubera Mudra

Kubera Mudra

Kubera refers to the qualities represented by the lord of 'wealth, wisdom and the remover of obstacles'. Kubera mudra helps to your blocks to be allows you to unfold your fullest potential! "My Inner Golden Light Sparkles, Opening Me to...

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Finding a Deeper Wealth

Finding a Deeper Wealth

Have you been searching for wealth outside yourself? Perhaps in a goal that is attainable, something you are working towards, a perfection that has not yet come to fruition. Other times there may be feelings of shame bubbling up around...

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VIDEO Blue Yoga

VIDEO Blue Yoga

This is a hilarious yoga class from CBC in Canada! Proof that even our neighbours to the north can have blue days (although here in the US I like to think its all rainbows and blue sky to up there!) Hope you enjoy it, I hope that your...

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