Radiant Being Blog
Water Element Mudra Flow
With this mudra flow you will be able to sense the flow of life and energy within and all around you as you tune into your inner healing waters. Jala Mudra "My inner rivers flow with the rhythms of nature." Jala means water, liquid and...
It Is Our Light, Not Our Darkness That Most Frightens Us…
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'...
VIDEO Figure Skating on Top of the World
Living her light by skating on top of a mountain's frozen lake, figure skater Elizabeth Putnam really takes my breath away! Growing just outside of the Canadian Rockies, I know the feeling of being up there on those mountain-tops where...
Calming Mudra Flow
These three mudras will bring you into your calming, soothing center and out of the chattering mind and ocean of emotion to be at peace once again. ADHI MUDRA "I am always calm in the center of my being." Place your thumbs inside your...
VIDEO Calming Puppy Falls Asleep On Baby
Just watching this sweet puppy trying to stay awake but falling asleep while sitting up is so sweet and relaxing to the nervous system!