Radiant Being Blog

Purna Hridaya Heart Mudra: Welcoming Thoughts and Feelings
'Purna' means open and 'hridaya' is the heart, thus this is the Open Heart Mudra. This is one of my favorite mudras for when I'm feeling a lot of emotion, or feeling stuck in an emotion or repetitive thoughts. Practicing Purna Hridaya...

Welcoming In: Five Element Yoga® Flow
Simple movements flowing with breath and intention allow you to 'Welcome In' all that is, with greater ease and gratitude within your heart. This easy flow is for all-levels. You will feel more open and at ease! Please modify as needed...

VIDEO Wonderful World
The wonders of the natural world help us to feel Content, Trust and Gratitude! I hope you enjoy this beautiful video that reminds me how great it is just to simply be alive, here and now! What a gift we've been given!

Contentment: Hansi Inner Smile Mudra
"I am Content, here and now." Santosha, the Sanskrit for contentment, is popularly practiced as one of the five Niyama 'observances' from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Along with the Yamas, there are ten guidelines in the Sutras to help one...

The End of Disappointment: Cultivating True Contentment
For the last few months I have been 'practicing' Contentment. I call it practice because it usually does not come naturally to most people to simply feel okay about oneself, the world and everything in it - myself included! I found...