Radiant Being Blog

Being Love

Being Love

We may think of love only as a feeling, and wait hopefully for it's arrival -- love of another person, love of life, love of one's daily activities, or love of one's practice. But if we wait to magically feel love before living fully with...

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Heart Hridaya Mudra

Heart Hridaya Mudra

"My Heart is Open and Spacious, Allowing Me To Be With All That Is." Cultivating the support within the inner refuge of the heart opens the doorway to greater self-love and acceptance. Hridaya means heart in Sanskrit and this mudra allows...

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Empty Hands Mudra

Empty Hands Mudra

"I Empty my Hands to Hear the Voice of my Heart." It is interesting that in many indigenous cultures like the North West Coast and Inuit have depicted in art and told stories of hunters who had holes in the center of their palms. These...

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Living with Empty Hands

Living with Empty Hands

If you are anything like me, making a plan and having an agenda to follow can feel very grounding. Having a plan gives us a starting point, and helps us to see how we might reach our goal.  How can anything happen if you don't first...

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