Radiant Being Blog

Aretha Still an Amazing Natural Woman!

Aretha Still an Amazing Natural Woman!

Aretha Franklin still has it! I'm so inspired and I can only pray, practice and try to keep finding my natural rhythm, in hopes of being as incredible as Aretha at any age. This will knock your socks off! https://youtu.be/XHsnZT7Z2yQ

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Murti Mudra for Embodiment

Murti Mudra for Embodiment

"Fully Present in My Body, I Am Here Now." Murti means 'body' or 'form' in Sanskrit. It guides the breath to settle deep into the pelvis, anchoring balance, stability, and comfort within both body and mind. By grounding yourself and...

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How to Live in a Body

How to Live in a Body

by Jennifer Reis, Integrative Yoga Therapist Here are ideas for some of the most important ways I've found to live fully embodied. Above all, remember that your body is a gift from beyond, a mystery to honor, respect and listen to....

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Abhyanga Self-Massage with HANDOUT

Abhyanga Self-Massage with HANDOUT

Abhyanga is a potent healing and rebalancing self-massage for your internal five elements. The rhythmic flow of movement activates the lymphatic system to help you detoxify. And the relaxing nature of this massage shifts you into the...

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