Radiant Being Blog

The Secret Power of Listening

The Secret Power of Listening

"The first duty of love is to listen." ~ Paul Tillich Listening is a skill that has not always come easy to me. I have had the opportunity to grow over the years with the help of some very skillful teachers and methods at Kripalu Center,...

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Deep Listening Affirmation with Thich Nhat Hanh

Deep Listening Affirmation with Thich Nhat Hanh

One of my favorite teachers and writers is Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh who has created a beautiful affirmation for deep listening that is the root of understanding, joy and can help to eliminate suffering in our interactions with...

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Listen Meditation 

Listen Meditation 

Using one sense can refresh all of the other senses by just simply stopping and paying attention for some moments, with focus on one sense - like the ears and listening. Try this easy meditation to refresh and awaken the senses: Wherever...

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Deep Listening Mudra Flow

Deep Listening Mudra Flow

This flow of mudras will allow you to calm and relax muscular tensions, inviting your senses to open to receive, as well as draw you inward to hear your own inner voice. Stilling and soothing the mind, this flow can lead you into feeling...

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