Radiant Being Blog

Good Digestion with Yoga at a Restaurant – Hilarious!
Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter increases the intake of oxygen-rich air, activates the heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the 'feel good' endorphins that are released by your brain. Laughter also activates the vagus nerve and...

Winter Season Self-Care with Five Element Yoga® Tips
Winter is time to slow down, rest, and pause between activities, giving your energy a chance to reset itself for the year. Water Element is an active force right now and it's time to nourish your Water Vitality. Listen to your body and...

Presence, Please? Presence
We are so grateful that our 3 dogs are in good health, happy and on the mend! They have all had major surgery, and some new illnesses developing in the past few months, with two major surgeries in just the past few days. I asked the...

Free Your Joints: Joint Rotations
Are your joints feeling achy, creaky and perhaps even painful? Try this flow to nourish your joints. Easy rotations will help to warm up the synovial fluid around the joint to make your movement more graceful, coordinated and effortless,...

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend 2022
Beautiful drum and song with Gii Taa'se Singers Native American Intertribal Drum Group Mohican, Menominee, Oneida, Ojibwa /Family Drum and Friends at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health mansion lawn, October 8, 2022. [video width="406"...