
Radiant Being Blog

Holiday Calm Tips

Holiday Calm Tips

The Holidays are wonderful! And yet this time of year can be challenging due to: The disruption of regular rhythms of our schedule and life. The tendency to feel more emotions and possibly get triggered by family and friends can cause...

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Sphynx Yoga Pose: Open Heart’s Compassion

Sphynx Yoga Pose: Open Heart’s Compassion

Opens the chest, shoulders, ribs. Helps to roll shoulders backwards. Fosters expanded and deepened breath. Stimulates thymus gland to aid in immune health and balance. Strengthens the upper back combating the 'slouch'. Stretches muscles...

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AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

AUTUMN: 5 EASY STEPS to Stay Balanced

Autumn Season is inherently scattering - windy, dry, cool, and unpredictable - it can leave you cold, fearful, scattered and ungrounded. That is because according to Traditional Chinese Medicine METAL ELEMENT rules the season, and AIR +...

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VIDEO: Enchanting Autumn Sights and Sounds

VIDEO: Enchanting Autumn Sights and Sounds

Watch the leaves as they turn into their fullest artistic autumn expression of colors! Then they let go: what a marvelous teaching for us. This VIDEO is 11 hours of relaxing music and visuals for you to ease your mind and heart. CLICK...

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