Spring Equinox 12 Ways to Celebrate

Spring Equinox is a powerful seasonal time that has been celebrated by ancient peoples throughout human history, and can be meaningful to us, here and now. This is a great time to pause and to celebrate the moment of this potent shift around this time.

Here are 12 Ways to Celebrate:

  1. Watch the Sunrise. Listen to the bird’s dawn chorus through an open window.
  2. Spring is associated with dawn and new beginnings: what is new for you right now? What would you like to see bloom in your life right now?
  3. Go outdoors for a walk – and like an egg hunt – look for signs of Spring, they are all around.
  4. Choose one plant, bush or tree to observe throughout this Spring to observe the wonders of its transformation.
  5. Walk barefoot for as long (as you can stand it) to tune into the rhythms of the Earth in Spring.
  6. Open a Window: listen to the sounds of Spring and breathe the air.
  7. Get out your windchimes and face towards each of the four directions to give thanks, and perhaps to ask for Spring direction.
  8. Build a nest! Indoors: perhaps in a bowl with yarns or a favorite scarf and fill it with stones, crystals and flowers and other outdoor findings. Outdoors: with what you find from nature’s bounty.
  9. Eat a special egg dish or bake bread with whole eggs in it as decoration.
  10. Create a Spring altar with things sacred to you this Spring. Light a candle.
  11. Organize your seeds for planting and imagine where you’ll plant a new tree, shrub or plant this Spring.
  12. Send gratitude and thanks to the rhythm of the upward inspiring energy of Spring in your life

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