You’re Registered!

Welcome to Jennifer’s On-Demand Series!

We’re so happy you are here. Below are some details that will also be emailed to you. Enjoy your practice!



1) LOGIN to our website.

2) If you are not on your Account Page, click Account in the upper right corner of any page.

3) On your Account Page click “VIEW MY COURSES”.

3) Click the title of this Series for your VIDEOS and WORKBOOK pdf.

All You Need Is:

  • Smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer.
  • Yoga mat, towel, or an area of the floor.
  • Props for Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra like pillows, blanket, eye pillow, etc. (You’ll be lying down, or in a comfy seat for this part).
  • Yoga props: cushions, yoga strap, yoga blocks, optional chair or other props.

*NOTE: if specific props are needed for this Series, they will be listed in your CONFIRMATION EMAIL.


    🧡 Jennifer & Michael  

    Questions, concerns or comments? We would be glad to hear from you!  

    [email protected]

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