Student Stories

KAREN JOHNSONYoga Nidra is My New Direction
After many years in one location, where I had built a strong community and developed a successful acupuncture practice, it felt like it was time to leave. I chose to move to a small town to be closer to my children and grandchildren. It...

GWEN REBBECKYoga Got Me Out of My Head, and Into My Body and Breath!
Before I practiced yoga, I had very few skills to deal with anxiety and stress. Being a creative person, I have an active mind that sometimes is flooded with ideas and things to explore, investigate, and create. Being bombarded with...

TERRI SHAWI'm Emerging Refreshed, Renewed and Restored
It was a natural progression for me to begin to practice with Jennifer online during the pandemic. I understand well what it is like to spend a sustained amount of time in ‘stress mode’. Prolonged stress was familiar to me in my younger...
KELLY GAROFALOI Have Built the Most Important Foundation for My Future
Before discovering Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra, I felt like I was mostly in a state of panic – fight or flight. My adrenals were overworked. My body begged for rest: I did not know how to invite rest or even begin to relax. Not knowing this...
MARILYN GOLD-MANDELLI Am Lighter and Brighter Now!
In the past, I was very disconnected from my body, and had little energy. Some challenging life circumstances - including being a care-giver - made me put myself last. I also was in a place of tolerating circumstances I would now find...