Student Stories
Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Has Been My Saving Grace
Before I practiced yoga nidra, I very anxious. It’s really hard for me sometimes to relax and to trust myself. I always want the guidance from other – whether it’s a friend, an older person, a wiser person, a guru, a therapist – an ‘authority’. “I don’t really trust myself. I don’t know what to do. I want advice from other people,” but after practicing Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra, I realized that “This body, and my wisdom, are all right here. It’s inside. It’s always been here, within me!” My constitution is vata – meaning air and ether elements. So
To Truly Let Go Peacefully
I recently completed Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra teacher training with Jennifer. Yoga nidra is an essential part of my life and the changes in my life are profound. I am more comfortable and allowing of myself. I surrender into a place of beautifully being, rather than needing to do so much. Before discovering yoga nidra, I was a “go-getter” and perfectionist. I easily wound up before bedtime and had difficult sleeping, with resistance of even getting into bed. Going to bed somehow felt like giving up because I felt like I was not accomplishing anything. I fought sleep because it
I Celebrate Feeling Grounded in Myself
Waller had been through many upheavals including being her father’s care-giver. She found the practice of Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra tremendously assisted in integrating her emotions and reactions, allowing her to feel her true light again as a smiling, radiant being! She is an inspiration for healing through Self-Love and self care. I’ve struggled with depression since I was a little kid, as well as an eating disorder that I almost died from just about five years ago. Thinking I was ‘in recovery’, while I had been malnourished for many years. Following breaking down a few years ago, I put
Finding Clear Mind
Lorraine came from Montreal to attend Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training in Boston. She was very quiet and thoughtful with the presence of a Buddha – or Buddhess! I was not surprised to find out that she was a meditator. Not only did Divine Sleep help her meditation practice deepen, give her more options of meditations to practice, but helped her to get grounded, confident, and clear in her mind and actions! Originally from England, she has a beautiful accent – imagine being guided in Divine Sleep with an English accent? Beautiful! Here is her story. My life was
Finding My Voice
Years ago I was very caught up in the world of vigorous yoga, and working out – ‘relaxation by exhaustion’. I did not allow myself to have that space to travel inward and to see what was going on. I did weekend trainings for my Yoga Teacher Training when my children were small because that’s all the time I could take out of a busy schedule. But I did not begin teaching yoga – I couldn’t find my voice – my teaching voice. I was a very avid student and had been practicing a long time, attended and completed other
I’ve Been Given A Great Gift…The Gift Of Myself
Under a significant amount of stress during the past couple of years, I was in a space where I knew something had to change. Fear, in its all-pervasive forms, was sticking to me like crazy glue and I needed to find a way to dissolve its hold. My physical body had begun to pay the price, with a plethora of symptoms appearing with no seeming resolution despite my best efforts. My mental and emotional bodies were wrung out and despite having a whole lot of intellectual knowledge on how to counteract it, I was just not able to find the
I always knew the importance of resting at the end of yoga class in savasana and how it could help integrate the poses and bring peace and the calm ability to flow through life. But I had no idea of the profound effects of Divine Sleep yoga nidra. After practicing with Jennifer I have more energy and sleep better. I look forward to practicing her CD’s and do not feel guilty about resting. I am looking forward to doing the thrilled about attending Jennifer’s Yoga Nidra Teacher training and to be able to share it with my yoga students. I
I have struggled with anxiety and depression all my life. It all began with childhood trauma and by my mid-twenties, anxiety attacks became a regular occurrence for me. I could feel when it was coming on and I would just become more and more tense, with shallow breathing and my heart racing. It would feel like I was going to die and then I would become very frightened which led to even greater anxiety. It was a vicious cycle. My doctor would come to my house and give me an injection of anti-anxiety medication to calm me down. In my
After a recent yoga class at Kriplau, Ellen came to me with tears in her eyes to thank me for the powerful effects and changes she has witnessed in herself with three years of practicing Yoga Nidra. She also had unfortunate news to share – she had just suffered a concussion. She told me Yoga Nidra is her ‘go to tool’ and she practiced it every day after the concussion to bring her into her body’s own healing mode. Here is Ellen’s tory: Before I practiced Yoga Nidra, I found it really difficult to control or manage my stress. I
My Life Would Not Be My Life Without Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra!
Before I entered into the world of yoga and yoga nidra, I did not have the tools in life to deal with so many things. Sleep was difficult and inconsistent. I was agitated and moody and did not know how to tolerate the consequences of being myself from day to day. I was scattered in my thoughts. I had always struggled with feeling chaotic, insecure and ungrounded. I was searching and not finding. In May of 2010, instead of walking across the stage to receive my graduation degree from UNCA, I flew to Kripalu to attend Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra