Student Stories

MARK DAVID HAZELCalmness In My Daily Routine
Before I practiced yoga, I frequently found myself physically tense and mentally stressed, whether hunched over a computer screen or lying in bed struggling with insomnia. When an opportunity arose for me to visit Kripalu, Jennifer’s...

CHRISTINE JONESI Felt So Embraced with Divine Sleep
This past year was one of the most challenging of my life thus far. I lost two very dear friends to cancer, and had breast cancer myself including a mastectomy. I also separated from the father of my two children. I was healing physically...

LUISA MENDOZAThrough Difficulty, I Found Joy with Yoga & Meditation
After going through several family deaths, including my parents’, I felt very lonely and sad. I cannot explain the depth of sadness I experienced for many years. I had a constant sensation of pain in my heart, and a hollowness in my...

SUE KEANEFrom 'Living in Pain' to No Pain in Retreat with Jennifer
I have never seen transformation like Sue’s and wanted to bring back one of my favorite stories from our twice annual Yoga and Deep Relaxation Retreat. When she arrived, Sue seemed somewhat skeptical, but more than that she appeared to be...

SAMANTHA MARQUART BRAINARDDivine Sleep Helps Rocket Scientist Get Through Ph.D
I’m a Ph.D. student in systems engineering and I live in Washington D.C. Four years ago I was working as a program manager for an aerospace/ defense company supporting NASA and doing my Ph.D. coursework at night. At the same time as...