Student Stories
Susan Abbattista
It was sheer joy to meet Susan last summer when she attended my retreat at Kripalu. She is completely down to earth, focused on her practice and discovering herself, and so bone tickling-ly funny! She had us all in stitches every time she...

Bobbi GreenbergDivine Sleep® Yoga Nidra: A Blessing in My Life
Bobbi was instrumental in bringing Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Teacher Training to an amazing yoga community in Ontario. It was joyous to be invited and to meet a new community. Bobbi approached me with tears of release after one powerful...
Verne D’Angelo
It is said that ‘When the student is ready, the teacher shows up’, and Verne added: ‘regardless of age!’ When Verne turned 60, and she thought of being 65 one day, she wondered what will she do then? Something in her said she had to...
Dave Gerlits
Dave and I first met when I gave him a bodywork session at Kripalu in Healing Arts. Dave then signed up for the newsletter and has incorporated it into his life ever since. He is so kind, open, relaxed and sincere, and when I met his...
Tanya Mossman
I was in a pretty good place with myself having been involved with 12 Step program for addiction for the last seven years. However I was feeling somewhat imbalanced and undisciplined. I also did not feel a vital connection to the world...