Five Element Yoga® Changed Me!

In 2020 I experienced deep fear, anger and grief – along with renewed appreciation for human connection, and the little things that added sweetness to life. My physical ailments intensified, like allergies, eczema and an infection that required three months of antibiotic treatment.

During the antibiotic treatment, I found myself feeling weak, foggy headed, tense and anxious, with pre-existing chronic digestive issues getting worse. I had just moved into a new home with my partner, and was out of work, only teaching a few yoga classes a month on zoom. Feeling unfulfilled and ‘not good enough’, I fell hard into an old habit of perfectionism. I felt critical of myself and my partner, and I found my yoga practice becoming more and more rigid. I’d only been teaching a year, and I felt I was already losing my enthusiasm for it.

Fortunately, that’s when I found Jennifer’s Five Element Yoga®️ once again. I had received an introduction to her yoga during my 200-hour yoga teacher training. I knew there was something special about it, and wanted to learn more. Over a year later, I cam across her website. Not coincidentally, she was offering training in less than a month!

I took a few Five Element Yoga® virtual classes before confirming my attendance. It was so balancing and grounding, and I began to experience spontaneous joy again. I wanted more! I registered for the upcoming training.

Jennifer truly is a master teacher. I find her classes work on the subtle level, guiding me to explore my body, mind, and spirit with curiosity, playfulness and unconditional love. These qualities which I cultivate during class, have naturally moved ‘off the mat’ and into my daily life.

Since graduating from Five Element Yoga® Teacher Training I feel more balanced. My sense of grounding and security has deepened. I find I treat myself and others with more gentleness. An overall sense of spaciousness emerged, which has helped me to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace.

I find I have an overall sense of spaciousness of time and in my days. I also feel more energized and have a rekindled my sense of purpose, creativity and joy. My physical issues have definitely improved: the eczema cleared up, my tensions dissolved, and my digestion is stronger than it’s been in many years.

My partner, relatives and friends have noticed and made positive comments on the changes they’ve seen in me since the training. My relationships have improved, and I feel more at ease and accepting of myself.

One of the greatest gifts is that I am LOVING teaching again! I just finished guiding a 5-week series, and the response was so positive, I’ve decided to expand my offerings. I’ve also finally started working on the yoga website I had wanted to make for months!

This message came to me from my heart during the journaling portion of Jennifer’s Uplift Your Gracious Heart Workshop.

Spend more moments loving,

forgiving misunderstandings,

practicing kindness.

Keep checking in with me

and opening to my wisdom.

It will lead to freedom,

freedom of the heart.

Thank you Jennifer for sharing yourself and your teachings of Five Element Yoga®️. I look forward to deepening my practice and sharing it with others.

With love and joy,

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