Beyond Grateful for Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra!!

I had suffered with daily physical pain for 26 years. And as for many, 2020 has been physically, financially and emotionally challenging for me. My business was closed for almost five months, and I am now only slowly regaining clients. My stress levels were on the rise with health issues.

On top of it all, my daughter was in a serious moped accident that required her to be air-lifted to Boston for treatment. While she was recovering, and also when she slept, I would play Jennifer’s Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra recordings to help her to heal and to be peaceful.

Originally, it was my friend Ellen, who’s been to Jennifer’s retreats, recommended I practice her Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra. And now since March 2020 and Covid 19, I have been practicing WITH Jennifer live-online three times a week! On the other days, I listen to her recordings.

I love hearing Jennifer’s calm, soothing voice taking me on incredible journeys each time. Our new rescue dog Bindi benefits from the sleep nidras. Often I awaken to find her curled up near me.

Not long after my daughter’s accident, I fell down the stairs at her apartment and suffered severe bruising, but thankfully no broken bones. Practicing Jennifer’s Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra was the only thing that could get me feeling comfortable in my body again!

I recently had tailbone surgery for the cause of the daily pain that troubled me for half of my life. I listened to yoga nidra with Jennifer as I was driven to the hospital, then again as I waited in pre-op, and many times each day while recovering. I’m glad I know what helps me get through challenges: Jennifer Reis! She allows me to find my calm abiding center again and again, with the ebb and flow of life’s challenges that have come my way.

My mom has dealt the tremors and anxiety of Parkinson’s disease for eight years. When I see her, I play Jennifer’s yoga nidra once, and sometimes twice, and I’ve found, it’s the only thing that calms her tremors so she can fully rest. That is so heartening for me to witness my mom settled and asleep. I set it up for her to practice Jennifer’s yoga nidra everyday on her own now. She loves Jennifer’s voice. She tells me how light and calm she feels after.

I love practicing with Jennifer! During some of the yoga nidras I felt like I fell asleep, then wake up at the end, feeling completely transformed into bliss! Once I sat up, instead of lying down, and I was able to stay awake through the entire time. Each time I practice yoga nidra, I feel nurtured and grounded. I feel I am cultivating a deeper connection to my inner peace. I love nature – especially water and flowers – and love how each of Jennifer’s journeys takes me outdoors to experience the five elements.

I am grateful to have found Jennifer and Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra. I highly recommend her to everyone! I’ve been suggesting to my doctors, and also family and friends going through challenges, or just looking to feel whole, neutral and grounded. It is the best way to start or end your day.

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