Creating My Inner World of Love and Peace

Grappling with the many setbacks and disappointments that arose for me during the pandemic, I enrolled in Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra Teacher Training live online with Jennifer to give myself the gift of rest and self-care. I am a yoga studio owner, and mother of three children. The challenges and responsibilities of 2020 (a year I will never forget!) left me feeling emotionally drained and exhausted.

The two weekends with Jennifer proved to be an effective at-home meditation retreat! I felt profoundly restored in my soul, my emotions, my body and mind. One of my favorite parts of the training was the opportunity to truly embody the five levels of being (called the koshas) on which Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra is based. I gained true understanding beyond the intellect.

Yoga nidra is a unique form of meditation, which has proven to be the most effective tool I have discovered thus far for quieting the fluctuations of my mind. Jennifer’s training gave me the space to both tend to, and befriend myself. I received the deep rest that I desperately needed.

Jennifer is a beautiful, shining light, and has the unique ability to hold a safe, uplifting space for a wide variety of students. Her teachings were not diluted by the fact that the training was online, and she did an incredible job of formatting the content in such a way that time and space were transcended. We were all united as a cohesive group on Zoom and the teachings were top notch.

Now I feel beyond prepared to lead yoga nidra meditations to my students! Jennifer and her husband Michael take such pride in their offerings, and they go above and beyond to generously and professionally give of themselves and make you feel loved, supported, and prepared. They exceeded my expectations in providing a plethora of resources.

The online market for yoga and meditation trainings is becoming extremely crowded, and it can be confusing to know where to find quality content. I am so comforted to know that I can always turn to Jennifer with her large range of classes, workshops, and trainings when I am searching for quality training and certification.

My primary goal is to learn and understand the nature of my mind, and to create an inner world of love and peace. When I shift my interior landscape with Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra, I am able to navigate the daily demands and blessings of life with intention, heartfulness and strength.